The Yakuza series sits at a unique place in 2018, juggling two different points in the series timeline. The western release of prequel Yakuza 0 in 2017 was a dazzling gateway for a new wave of players and flowed naturally into a remake of the very first [...]
Vostok Inc. is made up of a combination of ‘clicker’-style gameplay (where you essentially set things up and wait for results to happen with hardly any interaction) and twin-stick shooter moments (where you fight off aliens by shooting a whole host of [...]
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor—Martyr, which I am going to just call ‘Martyr’ from now on if that’s cool with you, is a rare action-RPG set in the 40K universe. It seems odd nobody’s done ‘Warhammer plus Diablo’ before [...]
A decade ago, Metroid fans were starving for exploration-based action/platformers. These days, that drought is over. Many developers are taking cues from Nintendo’s sci-fi classic, and Bit Kid is one of them. This studio’s take on the formula features a [...]
Code 7, the self-proclaimed “Story-Driven Hacking Adventure” from indie German duo Goodwolf Studio, is essentially what one might expect, using a hacking mechanic as its main conduit of interaction. However, if the first full installment (of a planned [...]
WarioWare, one of Nintendo’s strangest and most inventive series, tasks players with completing increasingly quick and difficult ‘microgames,’ each just a few seconds long. It’s a pure expression of one of Nintendo’s [...]
To celebrate the first birthday of Fortnite, developer Epic Games has introduced a special set of celebratory challenges to the game as part of the 5.10 update. There are a total of three new challenges, and if you’re able to complete all of them [...]
Far Cry 5 continues Ubisoft’s on-paper rather charming habit of adding DLC to its games that completely transforms them into something else. Vietnam-themed Hours Of Darknessrather passed us by, but Lost On Mars joined us last week so I thought I’d take a [...]