Clicker Heroes 2 marks the point that clicker games – y’know, the ones all about making numbers go ever-higher with a minimum of interaction – encroach so far into action-RPG territory that I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to play a Diablolike again. The [...]
You wake up. You already feel tired and just want to stay home. You know you have to go to work. You know you have to eat. It’s too much bother to make anything. You should reply to the chat on your computer. You know Amy has seen that you’re online. What [...]
During the golden age of adventure gaming, designers Lori and Corey Cole made a name for themselves at Sierra with the Quest for Glory series of hybrid adventure-RPGs, still fondly remembered by many to this day. Now, twenty years since the last [...]
20XX wears its influences on its sleeve. If you’re familiar with Mega Man X, then slipping into the metallic bodies of 20XX’s two core protagonists–the gunner Nina and the swordsman Ace–will feel like coming home again. Both [...]
Mothergunship wastes little time in throwing you head-first into its fast-paced and over-the-top bullet-hell experience. As the spiritual successor to indie roguelike FPS Tower of Guns, this homage to ’90s action games balances a number of clever [...]
Can you imagine working your magic-weaving tail off, all year, reaching your last day of school, only to find that you are forced to relive it over and over again? No summer vacation? No trips to the beach? No mushroom gathering?! This is the fate that [...]
Imagine if Super Nintendo had a powered-up “Pro” version, and some of the most talented 2D artists were to design a game for it. What would it look like? The answer is: like Metal Slug. This is simply one the most beautiful games in existence. [...]
Unravel Two is a fantastic successor to the original and the ultimate proof that you don’t always need to reinvent the wheel in a sequel. The addition of a second playable character and slight speed boost are all Unravel needed to elevate itself from a [...]