Dark Elf Historia
The game has a total of 6 chapters (Prologue and 5 story chapters).
Each story chapter has about 2-4 quests to unlock final chapter boss.
There are 7 endings and 3 “paths”:
1. Normal, virgin path [Winning final boss lead to Ending #1 & Ending #2, losing lead to Ending #4]
2. Normal, non virgin path [Winning final boss lead to Ending #3, losing lead to Ending #4]
3. Sinner, non virgin path [Winning final boss lead to Ending #5, losing lead to Ending #6 and Ending #7 (ending #7 has glitch, will error prompt)]
- Whether a quest has H scene post or pre quest will be listed when applicable in this walkthrough
- Regard less of normal virgin, normal non virgin or sinner path, you can watch a H scene of urination if you use your house (normal), jail cell (sinner) toilet
- Non virgin path (On normal and sinner) will include occasional H scenes during battle
- Enter: Interaction
- Esc: Back
- F5: Widen screen
- F12: Reset game (Game has no Steam overlay and cannot screen shot)
- Alt+Enter: Full Screen
- Two quests to be completed
- After completing the two quests, final quest involves fighting bandit boss
[Save game before fighting chapter boss to explore virgin and non virgin path]
- Fight bandit boss
- Victory: Keep virgin, move to Chapter 1
- Failure: Lose virgin, move to Chapter 1, H scene
- Quest 1-1: Mushroom quest. Get quest from president, hunt mushroom in forest and give mushroom to Joseph in mansion that is found far-east of town
- Quest 1-2a: Battle burglar, Virgin only quest
- Quest 1-2b: Fulfil deviant taste of rich man, Non-virgin only quest, H scene
- Virgin: Brother falls ill and you need to kill giant flower to get medication
- Victory: Keep virgin, move to Chapter 2 (normal)
- Failure: Lose virgin, move to Chapter 2 (normal), H scene
- Non Virgin: Become bodyguard for casino owner and kill assassin [Save before fight to have different play throughs]
- Victory: Move to Chapter 2 (normal)
- Failure: Move to Chapter 2 (sinner), H scene
- Quest 2-1: Travel into maze and find children
- Quest 2-2: Coal mine quest
- Victory: Keep virgin
- Failure: Lose virgin, H scene
- Quest 2-3: Temple fire quest
- Virgin victory: Continue to end chapter boss fight
- Virgin failure: Re-battle
- Non Virgin victory: Continue to end chapter boss fight
- Non Virgin failure: Move to Chapter 3 (sinner), H scene
- Village sacrifice, H scene, kill orcs
- Victory: Move to Chapter 3 (normal)
- Failure: Move to Chapter 3 (sinner), H scene
- Non virgins will unlock masturbation on brother’s bed
- Quest 3-1: Pick rare ore
- Quest 3-2: Vanquish allegory religion
- Quest 3-3: Treasure hunter
- Virgin victory: Continue to end chapter boss fight
- Virgin failure: Lose virgin, H scene, unlock quest 3-4
- Non Virgin victory: Continue to quest 3-4
- Non Virgin failure: H scene, continue to quest 3-4
- Quest 3-4: Non-virgin only quest, become sexy barmaid, H scene, repeatable event
- Refight bandit boss from prologue
- Victory: Move to Chapter 4 (normal)
- Failure: Move to Chapter 4 (sinner), H breeding scene, permanently unlock Ending 5 or 7
- Quest 4-1a: Protect elf village, Virgin only quest
- Victory: Continue as normal
- Failure: Lose virginity
- Quest 4-1b: Same as 4-1a but with H scene, Non virgin only quest
- Victory: Continue as normal
- Failure: Move to Chapter 4 (sinner), H scene
- Quest 4-2: Vanquish anti-state organisation
- Quest 4-3: Non-virgin only quest, H scene, unlock new toy to masturbate
- Battle principal of city school
- Victory: Move to Chapter 5 (normal)
- Failure: Move to Chapter 5 (sinner), H scene
- This chapter is short and once final quest is started, will result in game end
- Battle the king
- Virgin victory:
- Ending 1: H scene with brother
- Ending 2: No H scene, full virgin
- Non Virgin victory:
- Ending 3: H scene with other people
- Failure:
- Ending 4: H scene with monsters
- Virgin victory:
- The jail town that you are in functions like Lanter City (normal path city), you can leave gate to explore places or do quests for guild
- Guild building is located north of jail town gate, contain armory and weapon shops.
- Your personal jail cell is located south-east of the guild building, functions like house (normal path)
- You can interact with guards and other prisoners within the jail town map for extra H scenes
- Quest 2-1: Battle treasure hunters
- Quest 2-2: Battle chimera
- Quest 2-3: Battle mage and warrior brothers
- Victory: No H scene
- Failure: H scene
- H scene with king
- Help scientist, H scene
- Activate switches in this order: Red, Green, Blue
- Quest 3-1: Seal cave with two stones, use a stone on the marker at the end of the cave before using it on the stone marker outside the cave
- Quest 3-2: Battle demon
- Victory: No H scene
- Failure: H scene
- Quest 3-3: Milking, H scene, repeatable event, milk can be sold
[Save before fight to witness different ending after chapter 5]
- Battle bandit boss from prologue
- Victory: Proceed to chapter 4 (sinner), permanently unlock Ending 5 or 6
- Failure: H breeding scene, permanently unlock Ending 5 or 7
- Quest 4-1: Train confidence of young soldiers, H scene
- Quest 4-2: Battle futanari elder
- Victory: No H scene
- Failure: H scene
- Quest 4-3: Protect scientist from assasin
- Victory: No H scene
- Failure: H scene
- Battle monster gang
- Victory (Did not witness breeding scene in chapter 3): Proceed to chapter 5 (sinner), permanently unlock Ending 5 or 6
- Victory (Witnessed breeding scene in chapter 3): Proceed to chapter 5 (sinner), permanently unlock Ending 5 or 7
- Failure: H breeding scene, permanently unlock Ending 5 or 7
- How the starting H scene looks like depends on if you witnessed any breeding scenes (In chapter 3 or 4) or not
- Quest 5-1: Battle Alain
- Victory: No H scene
- Failure: H scene
- Quest 5-2: Battle Vanessa
- Battle Roland
- Battle President of normal guild
- Victory:
- Ending 5: H scene with different people and brother
- Failure:
- Ending 6 (If none of breeding scenes is witnessed): H scene with monsters while brother watch
- Ending 7 (If either breeding scene is witnessed): H scene with monsters as breeding tool (Glitched, will error prompt)
Some of the contents are from the internet, if these contents infringe on your copyrights, please contact me. All contents doesn't represent my points.
what the hell