Like Lucas Pope’s previous game, Papers, Please, Return of the Obra Dinn is primarily concerned with processing information. In the latter, you play as an insurance clerk assessing claims on a mysteriously abandoned ship rather than a customs agent [...]
We may long for the days of NBA Jam or NBA Street and their brands of over-the-top basketball, but the closest modern equivalent is NBA 2K Playgrounds 2. Coming off of last year’s game, Playgrounds 2 continues the two-on-two ridiculousness in an [...]
Jackbox Games may have accidentally created a fall tradition. Around pumpkin-spice season, the minds behind You Don’t Know Jack release a new bundle of party games. Most of those individual games are great. A few kind of stink. But one constant remains: [...]
Momentum is a powerful force – just ask anyone who’s been on the receiving end of one of Superman’s flying kicks. On a more grounded level, the impulse to continue with what’s worked in the past can make a creative endeavor feel stale, whether we’re [...]
Every year, the unceasing refrain that Call of Duty is the same gets repeated like a dogmatic mantra. With Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Treyarch takes a big risk in removing a franchise staple – the single-player campaign – and embraces nothing but online [...]
Unapologetically aping Ridley Scott’s Alien, the debut installment of The Outpost Nine seeks like-minded fans who yearn for a bygone era of sci-fi. The devotion to a tried-and-true formula ultimately steals away a lot of potential, though a decent [...]
With minimal storytelling, characterization or interaction, little direction and even less feedback, TARTARUS will only appeal to a small subset of players who would appreciate a DOS-like command line experience in their first-person sci-fi adventures.
There are times I want to be sad, when I’d rather be all alone, quietly thinking about my life, or hugging a loved one to forget about the day’s trouble. Child of Light embraces that melancholy beautifully and its various elements cultivate a [...]