Earth is suffering the aftermath of a devastating fifty-year conflict known as the Terminal War. Over half of the global population was obliterated in unprecedented mass genocides. Entire nations were left barren with natural resources depleted and [...]
Complete touch-based puzzles to serve dishes and drinks to adorable Pokémon customers! Link together Pokémon icons to clear puzzles as you work to build up your very own café in Pokémon Café Mix, a free-to-start game for the Nintendo Switch system! Meet [...]
Turn toothbrushing into a fun and exciting adventure with Pokémon Smile! Players can partner up with some of their favorite Pokémon to defeat the cavity-causing bacteria and save captured Pokémon. Only by consistently brushing their teeth can they save [...]
A remaster/remake of the original Geneforge, released in 2001, with plans for a new UI and an enhanced story. Kickstarter Stretch goals were reached for a new endgame creature and a new region for the game. Geneforge 1 – Mutagen
A breakout-RPG mix where you level up and equip heroes before leading them into battle against blocks and enemies that scroll down the screen and you have to take down before they reach the bottom, by bouncing your attacks. Battle Bouncers