Ghosts: Ghosts are creatures that hunt pacman and will kill him if they catch him.
Every ghost has its own strategy to chase down pacman.
Inky: Inky will stay in the ghost house until pacman has eaten at least 30 pills. His home is the bottom right corner.
Blinky: Blinky is the most agressive of the 4 ghosts. He will start chasing pacman right away, and aim directly at him. His home is the upper right corner.
Pinky: Pinky will start chasing pacman right away, he will always aim 4 fields ahead and 4 fields left of pacman. His home is the upper left corner.
Clyde: Inky will stay in the ghost house until pacman has eaten at least 2/3 of all pills. His home is the bottom left corner.
Ghost moods: The ghosts have two different moods that change the way they act during the game.
Scatter mood: This is the default mood. When ghosts are in scatter mood, they will just go to their home corner and stay there.