War for Humanity: The Beginning is and rts game being developed by Depect’ Its story is set in the near future when aliens land on Earth with intentions to take it under their control’ In 5 days they have conquered earth and settle in Europe’ But Earth rebels and 2 Rebeling Factions are built’ Hegry Millitaric Nation and the Nelgry Piece Force’ They have different intentions and that leads to a war between them too’ So three Nations battle eachother for earth’ It is possible that the game will be made into a series’ The engine Spine we are planning to use in future rts games improving it in progress’
Episode One
Alien Faction called Vilinea desides to unite all the world under one flag’ They Invade Earth with 5 days and set their capital in Europe’ They are happy with the results and lose their guard’ In no time men rebel’ The strongest points of the rebbellion are the United States and China’ They win and name themselves countries’ United States names itself HMN that stands for Hegry Millitaric Nation’ China in the other hand calls itself NPF that stands for Nelgry Piece Force’ HMN sets hes goal to destroy the aliens and all who support them’ NPF on the other hand intends to communicate and make friends with aliens and destroy their enemies’ They must fight the aliens for as long as they find a way to communicate with them’ Most of the small rebellions on earth join NPF for the reason that making friends with aliens is the easiest and problably the quickest way to end the war’NPF and HMN have battles in Asia, South-Africa, America and Australia’ Aliens battle their foes mainly in Europe, North-Africa and western Asia’
Episode Two
Another alien faction lands on Earth’ It calls itself the Law of the Universe and its here to command other aliens to leave this planet’ When the bold Vilineians attack the Law they do not realise that they have just created themselves a strong enemy’ The Law knows how to communicate with men and they offer alliance to HMN and NPF so they could unite and destroy Vilinea’ NPF has finally communicated with aliens and they accept with alliance without any doubt’ HMN on the other hand has grown strong and controls the entire America’ They declare war on the Law’ Law starts recruiting men into their army giving them good equipment’
Episode Three
When HMN won the war on earth by defeating The Law, Vilinea and NPF they started doing experiments on the aliens that survived the war by being slaved’ They are being held captive in many underground labs guarded by the army’ They also use NPF fighters in their experiments tring to merge them as one’ When they create a machine that should make aliens think like humans they fail and all aliens that this machine has been used on lose their minds’ They lose the ability to give mercy, lose fear and dont feel pain’ Physical Experiments where HMN tried to put them together with NPF fighters and some animals are on the other hand sucessful’ Merged together they have created something that is not normal’ It is strong’ It is dangerous’ The new formed beasts break out from the underground and start killing people at random’ Shocked HMN uses their new technology to move onto mars saving as many people as they possibly can and taking as much food and water with them’ Fleeing suceeds and HMN lives on mars for years until their food and water supplies are running thin’ They must go back to earth’ What has happened there sience they left?
Episode Four
With the new victory that HMN won they settled themself back on earth’ They did not do anymore experiments’ They tried to live in piece for they had enought of war’ With all the technology and knowledge they learned when they fought with the Aliens they set out to travel throught space’ HMN space fleet soon finds itself in the middle of a strange unseen planet system’ They land because of the curiosity’ All goes well’ They set up a camp and look around on one planet’ What they dont know that there is already someone settled there’ Natives take HMN landing as an invasion and they attack the landed fighters’ HMNs Big Fleet replies to that attack with sending large forces on the planet’ They build themselves millitary bases there and prepear themselves for the worst’ While some of their ships are heading back to earth for orders because the communication has been lost the battle begins’ HMN fleet gets strange messages that they do not understand from other planets’ It does not take them long to realise that they are in the middle of a war between high technology using armies of different kinds of aliens’ They merge alliances and gain enemies in these long years of war that they now encounter’They wanted piece but they got war’ War more horrible than any of the ones they have ever been in’
War for Humanity: The Beginning was developed by FlameGuard
War for Humanity: The Beginning was Released on Windows
War for Humanity: The Beginning is a Single & Multiplayer game