Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality System requirements

Can I Run Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality? What specs do you need for Captain Comic II: Fractured Reality? View detailed information about this game.

Game AnalysisCaptain Comic II is a platform game and like its predecessor has the concepts of shield points (health), lives, a score, items, enemies, zones and objectives.The primary health indicator is the shield. Once the shield points are exhausted by coming into contact with enemy units and then he is struck again (or if he is hit for more damage than his remaining shields), Comic loses a life. Additionally, if Comic falls off the bottom of a screen a life is lost. If Comic finds a bonus shield it will restore the points to maximum, or add the shield to his inventory for later use if already at full. The game is over when Comic loses all of his lives (or completes the main objective of the game).
High FPS0 FPS ( GTX 1060 )
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