Zero-K System requirements

Can I Run Zero-K? What specs do you need for Zero-K? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPU2.0 GHz dual core CPU with SSE (Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent)
OSWindows 7, 8, or 10
Graphics Card512 MB graphics card with OpenGL 3 support (GeForce 8800 or equivalent); integrated cards may not work
HDD Space6 GB
Game AnalysisZero-K is a Real Time Strategy game that is set in the distant future near the end of the universe. This game gives you to ability to not only control your units, but also the ability to manipulate the actual land around you to make it work for you. You can play in tense 1v1 battles or choose to join a battle with up to 32 total players!
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