Distant Worlds System requirements

Can I Run Distant Worlds? What specs do you need for Distant Worlds? View detailed information about this game.

 Minimum System RequirementsRecommended System Requirements
CPUDual Core CPU @ 2.0GHz
OSWindows 8, 10 (64-bit strongly recommended) - The game runs on Windows 7 but no support will be provided
Graphics CardNVidia GTX 560-equivalent or better, 1Gb VRAM, DirectX 11 compliant
Direct XVersion 11
SOUND CARDDirectX 11 compatible sound card
HDD Space20 GB available space
Game AnalysisDistant Worlds is a vast, pausable real-time, 4X space strategy game. Experience the full depth and detail of large turn-based strategy games, but with the simplicity and ease of real-time, and on the scale of a massively-multiplayer online game.# Truly Epic-Scale Galaxies: play in galaxies with up to 1400 star systems and 50,000 planets, moons and asteroids. Vast nebula clouds spiral out from the galactic core, shaping the distribution of star clusters in the galaxy# Private Enterprise: the private citizens of your empire automatically take care of mundane tasks like mining resources, transporting cargo, migration between colonies, tourism and much more. This frees you from micro-management and instead allows you to focus on a macro-scale# Intelligent Automation: automate the various tasks in your empire, so that you can focus on the areas that you enjoy most. Or have your advisors make suggestions in different areas like colonization, defence or diplomacy – helping you learn the best tactics and strategies# Explore: explore the vast galaxy, discovering valuable resources, potential colonies for your empire and making contact with other empires. Uncover secrets that lift the veil on the galaxy’s mysterious past
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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