- Developer: Ayodeji Beckley
- Website: Official website
- Release Date: 2016-03-04
- Supports: Family Sharing
- Languages: English
- Compatibility: Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
## Description
Looking for an app to help you improve your Bible Knowledge? This amazing app helps you enhance your knowledge of the Bible in a fun and engaging way.
\- Play offline
\- Verse of the Day.
\- Leaderboard - Compare your score with other players
\- Difficulty levels - Easy and Hard
\- Bonus Points - Earn bonus points for every correct answer in Hard mode
\- Read More option (Get more knowledge of the answer)
\- Three attempts before Game Over.
\- New Questions added as often as possible
Bible Knowledge - Bible Trivia helps you test your biblical knowledge through various questions about people and events in the Bible. Bible Knowledge has two levels - Easy and Hard, making it useful for both beginners and experts. This app also allows you to track your scores when you answer questions correctly to build a high score. This is a real fun way of increasing your Bible Knowledge.
The app has a beautiful user experience with easy to access controls, access to Verse of the Day and the option to Read More of the chapter. You get a total of three attempts to play and for each question you have to guess the letters of the answer. With each incorrect guess, you lose a life and once you lose all three lives, the game is over.
With this awesome bible trivia game, you can put your bible knowledge skills to test. Christians looking to know more about the Bible and the word of God will absolutely love this game and completely enjoy playing it. The idea behind the game is to make Bible learning fun and interesting among the app users. New questions are added as often as possible to help you continue to expand your knowledge of both the Old and New Testament.
- Matemág: Součtové trojúhelníky
- Matemág: Spojovačky
- Matemática
- Matemáticas 10 años
- Matemáticas 11 años
- Matemáticas 6 años
- Matemáticas 7 años
- Matemáticas 8 años
- Matemáticas 9 años
- Matemáticas con Grin
- Matemáticas con Grin 456 FULL
- Matemáticas con GRIN 678 FULL
- Matemáticas con Grin II - 678
- Matemáticas para Niños
- MatePracticando