- Developer: QBSW, a.s.
- Website: Official website
- Release Date: 2013-01-02
- Supports: Family Sharing
- Languages: English, Slovak
- Compatibility: Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPad.
## Description
Pri priležitosti 100. narodenin križoviek ponukame všetky naše križovky v dobe od 20.12.2013 do 6.1.2014 zdarma.
Aplikacia obsahuje slovenske križovky, ak mate zaujem o česke križovky, stiahnite si našu druhu aplikacii Křižovky.
Zabavajte sa luštenim križoviek v iPade! Precvičte svoju myseľ, podľa legendy podopĺňajte spravne slova do jednotlivých riadkov a stĺpcov, až kým nenajdete tajničku. A potom sa pustite do novej križovky! To všetko kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek, kde mate so sebou iPad.
To celebrate 100th birthday of crosswords we offer all crosswords for free from 20th December 2013 to 6th January 2014.
Application contains slovak content. If you wish to play czech crosswords try our game "Křižovky"
Have fun with crossword puzzles in your iPad! Exercise your mind, according to legend, fill the correct words in each row and column until you find the correct answer. And then start with the new one! All this whenever and wherever you carry your iPad.
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