Adventure Quest System requirements

Can I Run Adventure Quest? What specs do you need for Adventure Quest? View detailed information about this game.

 Recommended System Requirements
Graphics Card
HDD Space
Game AnalysisAdventureQuest is a single player RPG; however the character data is stored on a server. The gameplay is similar to a traditional RPG in that much of its game play revolves around fighting monsters in a turn based system. As players defeat monsters they gain experience points, gold and occasionally "Z-tokens", a secondary currency bought with real world money. There is also special items or sets called Ubers and Mastercrafts. The current Ubers are the Fujin Set, the Shadow Set, the Kindred Set, the Golden Set, The Nemesis Set and The Reign Set. The Fujin Set represents wind, the Shadow Set is darkness, the Kindred Set is elemental, the Golden Set is Light, the Nemesis Set is Ice and the Reign Set is Fire. The Mastercrafts included are the Nova Knight Set, the Protector Set, the Terror Set and the Chimeran Set.
High FPS200+ FPS ( GTX 1060 )
Optimization Score10
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