Where the Wild Things Are System requirements

Can I Run Where the Wild Things Are? What specs do you need for Where the Wild Things Are? View detailed information about this game.

Game AnalysisWhere the Wild Things Are is a video game, released on October 13, 2009 in North America, November 25, 2009 in Australia and November 27, 2009 in Europe. It is based on the film of the same name, released the same day.The console versions of Where the Wild Things Are have the player controlling a young boy named Max as he interacts with creatures and explores an island. Max can attack enemies with his scepter, and as the game progresses, he acquires new abilities such as physical feats and commands over the creatures. While platform segments make up a large part of the game, it also includes racing and a boating stage. Max is also able to discover hidden items and unlock new paths in the village.
Optimization Score10
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